Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Makes You Smile?

First Strawberries

        As I headed out for my morning walk, I stopped to take a peek at our Fall garden to see how the seedlings were doing after yesterday's rain.  Maybe I am imagining it, but they sure seemed to be happy, basking in the sun under the robin egg blue sky. A little light breeze made them look like they were actually dancing.  It made me smile.

Carrot & Romaine Seedlings

Broccoli bordered by remaining summer Periwinkles 

Kale Seedlings - two cultivars

        Planting the seeds and plants in early October for our garden was a family project which included the three grandchildren.  The rows may not be perfect but they were planted with excitement and we are all looking forward to sharing in the future harvests.  We all got a few smiles and giggles out of the process. 

       Watching our garden grow is just one of the daily pleasures that make me smile.  Here are a few others:  
  • Waking up next to my husband, Ron, each morning
  • Learning something new
  • Planning a vacation to some place I've never been
  • My grandchildren laughing
  • A call from one of our sons, just to ask how my day is going
  • Duck Dynasty
  • The horrified look on Ron's face when I announce the Hallmark Channel will be running Christmas movies 24/7 for the next month
  • Our dogs, Molly and Annie, welcoming us home with such excitement even if we were gone for just a few minutes
  • Customer service representatives who are really helpful
  • Gators winning a football game (it has been a while)
  • Doing something that actually helps someone
  • Walks on a cool, brisk morning
  • Hearing our children are enjoying their pursuits
  • Yoga class
     How about you, what makes you smile?

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