Monday, March 30, 2020

TO DO or...NOT?


 How are you handling this unprecedented coronavirus "stay at home" order?  I suppose many retirees are already accustomed to staying home so it is not a huge deal.  However, other senior citizens who are normally active with volunteer gigs and group involvement are probably adapting by pursuing their hobbies, i.e. gardening, card making, painting, etc. or working on neglected household projects.   What about those folks who are now adjusting to working from home?  Are you able to stay focused?  And, those who have temporarily (I hope) been laid off?  How are you balancing the newly discovered leisure time while exploring available government programs and job-seeking?     Is everyone still making 'To-Do' lists?

       Many experts believe the 'To-Do' list is one of the most effective productivity tools around.  In my opinion, it also a good way to add structure to your life during these trying times.  A 'good' list is one that produces results and ultimately achieves your short and long term goals.  The catch here is first you need to have specific goals and decide the time frame you want to accomplish them.  Full disclosure: I have been writing and checking things off my to-do lists since I was a child. Honest!

      So let's take a look at the process.  If you are retired you have more leeway with the timing of projects than those working or seeking employment but it still helps to discipline yourself by setting stages to make things happen.  If you are working, your boss or institution sets broad-range goals and deadlines.  You just have to break them down into tasks that need to be accomplished each day.  I imagine adopting this concept is harder for people who have the job of finding ways to survive while they are in limbo, through no fault of your own.  I promise you it can be done. 

    Try making this a three-step process.  First, write down your most important goals on a piece of paper and prioritize them (1, 2, 3, etc.). For example, if you are out of work, most likely your number 1 priority right now would probably be 'Get Financial Assistance.'  Another might be "Find a Temporary Job.'  After you have your goals in place, start thinking about all the ways you can reach them.  On another piece of paper, jot down everything you can think of that you can do to accomplish these goals.  Be creative AND be sure you put the goal number beside it.  Next, put the tasks, such as 'apply for unemployment,' by priority into specific timeframes for a full week, i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.  Include dates.  Each day, try to accomplish everything you can by focusing on the things you designated as the most important.  Be sure you check off the ones you complete. Trust me, it is rewarding to make this small gesture.  Did I mention all your daily lists should be done in pencil?  Why?  Stuff happens.  Sometimes, you will not get to everything so you will need to move it to the top of the next day's list. 

     For this to work for you, it needs to become a daily tool.  It will help you manage your time and become more productive.  The reality is, it will put you in charge of your life when so many other events are out of your control.  Positive things will begin to happen.  Try it.  You'll like it.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


All of a sudden, I'm being told I can't do things I have been doing all my life.  Gym and yoga classes? Nope.  Church?  Nope.  Library? No, ma'am!  Movie? Nada.  School?  Forget about it.  Grandkids' flag football and soccer games? Canceled! The list of no-nos goes on and on.  

Okay, I understand, it's all for the good of man and womankind for all of us to keep our filthy paws and breath to ourselves.  Run for your life if someone should cough or sneeze!  It's all good to control and, with luck, stop a pandemic.

But...can you hear my inner control freak alter ego screaming?   Here's the deal.  I just plain do not like to be told what I can and cannot do.  I'm not sure, but this trait probably stems from my early childhood.  I think I may have been seen as the "rebellious one."  Whatever.  The bottom line is this whole coronavirus thing is cramping my style.  So, you know what, I will just show it who is the boss of me.

Tomorrow I plan to get outside to mow the yard.  After that, I plan to measure each blade daily to see how much it has grown.  More on that in a future blog.  I planted some tomato plants in a raised bed. What do you think?  Should I video their progress? Weeding is a huge optional outdoor activity.  Trust me the weeds do not have the coronavirus.  They are alive and flourishing.  

No coronavirus is going to ruin my days. Just for fun,  I ordered groceries online for the first time ever yesterday.  As a test, I threw a couple bottles of wine in the mix.  Three hours later they were delivered to my door.  An added bonus was the delivery lady asked me for my ID to make sure I was old enough to purchase wine.  I love it when that happens! 

By golly, I may be taking control again.  My acupuncturist son Craig says the best way to keep this Covid meany away is to ramp up your immunities.  This means eating, red & yellow fruits and veggies, fish, citrus, etc.  Basically, stock up on vitamin c, selenium, zinc, etc.  He actually gave me some herbs and zinc capsules to take as a preventative.  Take that Covid-19! 

"They," say exercise helps build your immunities too.  So, in addition to walking the" hood," I'm thinking about trying cartwheels.  Does anybody out there know how you do those?  I'm 72.  This is a perfect time to learn new things, right?

What about you folks who have lost your jobs for the next few months? Besides turning off the TV and limiting your googling activity, what are you doing to get back some control of your life?  And parents, what are you doing to manage the children while they are out of school 24/7?  I would love to hear.  God knows we could all use some positive suggestions.