Saturday, November 12, 2016



        Reds here.  Blues, you circle around back.  Greens, you're in the garden.  Purples, aka all others, find somewhere to be.  Somethings coming.  We have to hunker down in our camps. 

      Uh-Oh. Holidays are almost here.  No problem, we'll mix it up, and follow Peanuts' character Linus' advice in the 1966 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  He said, "There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people...religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin." 

     Can't really speak to the Great Pumpkin issue but I'm thinking the politics rule has been blown to smithereens in the past eighteen months.    

      Conversations with people who agree with us, even if it is  in whispers, are easy.  We don't want to offend anyone, right?  But, be honest, when is the last time you had a one on one, face to face discussion about your political views with a friend or family member with an opposing view?  Now some folks post comments, links, or art work that reflects their view on  social media...Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, etc..  Many of these posts border on being downright nasty at worst or just plain ole disrespectful to a  "friend" with an opposing view.  Guess this is the new way and okay for some.  I wonder---there sure is a whole lot of blocking, defriending and opting out going on.  

     You would think since the election is over, the social media wars and protests would settle down.  After all, what's done is done. The politicians are giving  unification speeches out of the yin yang.  It's not working. Maybe unification happens one person at a time, not one politician at a time. Wouldn't working together to find some common ground be better than circling our wagons and shooting barbs at one another?  I believe love of family and friends will prevail but only if we demonstrate respect for one another, including on social media.   

      It would be very epic to see a train of all the colors circling together.  Perhaps Bruce Springsteen envisioned the same thing when he wrote the lyrics to "Land of Hope and Dreams."  Below is an excerpt from his song.  Peace be with you.

This train
Carries saints and sinners

This train
Carries losers and winners
This train
Carries lost souls
This train
Dreams will not be thwarted
This train
Bells of freedom ringin'
This train
Carries broken-hearted
This train
Thieves and sweet souls departed
This train
Carries fools and kings
This train



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