Friday, October 10, 2014

Anyone Needled You Lately?

      Do your children ever needle you?  Well, to be honest, my son Craig needles me on a regular basis.  Don't get me wrong, I know his intentions are good. You see, he is an acupuncturist.  In his youth, he was quite good in all kinds of sports so I thought he would probably pursue a career in  athletics like coaching or something similar.  Little did I know, his life focus as an adult would become helping people get well, stay healthy, and active as long as possible by integrating traditional Chinese medicine with Western philosophies.

      Truth be known, I was supportive but a bit skeptical when he first decided to venture into the realm of  Chinese medicine by enrolling at the Atlantic University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Asheville, NC. However, he was already a certified massage therapist so I guess it was only natural for him to pursue additional training in finding ways to direct the body's natural blood flow and energy (Qi) to achieve optimal results.  In Eastern medicine this is done through acupuncture, herbal remedies, and positive lifestyle changes.

     Okay, I'll admit it.  I was good with the massages he was already doing for me (who wouldn't be?).  I was fine with herbal remedies.  Heck, I had been drinking herb tea for years.  Positive lifestyle changes, i.e. healthy diet, exercise---you got it! BUT, I was scared of the needle thing. Yes they're tiny little things but...

Yes, this is Craig placing
the itty bitty needles in my knee.

      One day I had a stinking sinus headache.  I mentioned it to Craig and he offered acupuncture as a better alternative to all the over the counter remedies.  I bucked up, let him treat me, and 45 minutes later my headache was completely gone.   After the initial small pricks, I didn't even feel the needles while I was relaxing on the table.  Amazing! 

     That was over seven years ago when he first established his Tallahassee Chinese Medicine practice. He made a believer out of me.  The skeptic in me shut up.  Since then I have received acupuncture and herbal treatments several times per year for other ailments including insomnia, plantar fasciitis, colds, arthritis in my knees, and other leg pain.

  Craig expanded this year.  Another acupuncturist, Rachel Kelley, has joined his clinic.  In addition, he includes a "community acupuncture" concept as a part of his services.  This concept allows the patient to make the choice of receiving private or the same individualized treatment in a group environment for a reduced amount.  The patients actually determine what they will pay on a sliding scale.  This provides an affordable option for people to receive acupuncture treatment.  Quite innovative, don't you think?

     As for me, Craig can keep on needling me.  I believe we'll both benefit in the long run.



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