Now I have never heard, much less used, the majority of the words I get. For example, today the word is parvenu. Use that much in your daily conversations? Well in case you want to, here's the scoop. It is a noun and means "one who has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it." The political arena seems to be a good place to use this one. Just saying...
I find many of the words funny. I retain those the best - go figure. Here are some that cracked me up.
- Chowderhead - noun: dolt, blockhead. I had a boss once who fit this description. Oops, that wasn't nice now was it.
- Mirandize - verb: to recite the Miranda warnings
- Sesquipedalian - adjective: having many syllables; long; using long words :-)
- Xenophobia - noun: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign. There's a phobia for everything!
- Addlepated - adjective: being mixed up; confused.
- Booboisie - noun: blend of boob(people who are not very smart) and bourgeoisie (middle class); the general public regarded as consisting of boobs. Pronounced boob wah zee
- Jerkwater - noun: remote and unimportant
- Orchidaceous - adjective: of, relating to, or resembling the orchids; showy, ostentatious.